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Ray of light
2 stories found Sorted by page views in the last 30 days Total word count: 13,036

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Hackers at the womb wall by dymondbolt Dev thought laying down big bucks at Body Modifications for a bit of physical upgrade would be safe as houses, but things don’t always go to plan. 2 parts 6,370 words Added Aug 2013 19k views 3.8 stars (4 votes) •Huge Cock•Muscle Growth•Muscle Gut•Muscle/Strength•Size Increase

Ray of light by dymondbolt Ray’s chance encounter at a new club with a sexy-voiced man just before the magic show becomes even more interesting when he turns out to be the magician. And he might need a volunteer from the audience. 6,666 words Added Jan 2012 24k views 4.8 stars (5 votes) •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Hyper Cock•Muscle/Strength•Transformation•Hypnosis •M/M

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