Spice up your life

by Musclesaber

Roommates Sam and Collin try to return to a life of normalcy after the pandemic. Trying to have a get together with friends, Sam buys a new spice pack at the store that has some surprises in store for the pair.

8 parts 22k words Added Feb 2021 Updated 7 Aug 2021 28k views (#427) 5.0 stars (23 votes)

You may be looking for the following similarly named story: Spice by Mr. X.

Chapter 1: Making Plans Roommates Sam and Collin try to return to a life of normalcy after the pandemic. Trying to have a get together with friends, Sam buys a new spice pack at the store that has some surprises in store for the pair. (added: 6 Feb 2021)
Chapter 2: Looking Back Flashback to freshman year, when the two boys meet each other for the first time. And their first meeting is one that is entirely unique to them. (added: 13 Feb 2021)
Chapter 3: Lunch Time Today’s the day of the barbecue. Finally after months of quarantining, Collin and Sam are seeing their friends. All is going well until a problem occurs just when Sam finishes preparing all of the food. (added: 20 Feb 2021)
Chapter 4: Dinner Time Collin and Sam wake up after their passionate sex in the previous chapter. And while Sam is cleaning up, Collin follows his stomach to the kitchen and the two make a discovery about the barbecue food. (added: 27 Feb 2021)
Chapter 5: Testing With the realization that the spice from the food is changing them, the pair starts to test what each spice does. And Sam is the guinea pig. (added: 13 Mar 2021)
Chapter 6: Time to Have Some Fun Now that Collin and Sam know how each of the spices work, they decide to take advantage of the food in front of them and grow into each of their ideal bodies. (added: 27 Mar 2021)
Chapter 7: Measuring Up Collin and Sam, in the afterglow of their growth sex, try to get a plan together on how they will interact with the world now with their new size. They think clothes might be necessary so they decide to take measurements of each other and see how big they’ve become. (added: 12 Jun 2021)
Chapter 8: The New Normal The pair of roommates enjoy their time together growing and having sex. All of that changes when Collin is forced to leave the comfort of their home. (added: 7 Aug 2021)
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Chapter 1: Making Plans

It had been a long quarantine for Collin and Sam. With all of their classes being moved online and them being locked in their tiny house together, they were getting a bit stir crazy. With Collin being at high risk with his asthma, and Sam wanting to protect his friend and roommate, the two of them hadn’t really left the house except for groceries and the occasional errand that Sam would run.

Each of them had enrolled at the local college and met their freshmen year. They met at a party one night and started talking and became fast friends. Every year since then, they had been roommates together in a small house they rented. Now, juniors in college, they are stuck in the house with each other during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Luckily, it was looking like their long quarantine would be coming to an end. The governor of their state had slowly been reopening stores and restaurants. With the country appearing to go back to normal, they thought it was appropriate to have some friends over at the very least.

“Oh, come on, Collin. I know you are worried about this pandemic, but we have been cooped up in this house for over three months. With everything reopening, I think that we can at least begin to see our friend group again,” said Sam trying to convince his roommate to let their friends back into their life. “It doesn’t even need to be the whole group. It can just be a few of them.” Sam walked into the kitchen of their small house to grab a snack.

“I don’t know, Sam. I’m just worried about the possibility of any of them bringing the virus to us,” said Collin as he sat down on their couch in the living room. “We are going to be exposing ourselves to whatever they have come in contact with.”

“But you’ve already been exposed to the outside world,” said Sam as he sat down in the chair facing Collin. “I go to the grocery store once a week or so and then I come home. How is me going shopping less dangerous than our friends coming over to see us?”

“You’ve been staying safe and wearing your mask. You don’t leave the house besides going shopping. We don’t know where they’ve been. They could’ve gone to restaurants or bars for all we know. I trust that you’re being safe. I don’t trust them.” Sam leaned back in his chair crossing his arm. Clearly disappointed by his friend’s aversion to the slightest bit of human contact.

Sam’s face lit back up with an idea. “What if we can make sure they social distance for at least two weeks? The 4th of July is coming up two weeks from this Saturday, if all of our friends could social distance for those two weeks, could we have a barbeque?” Sam gave Collin the biggest puppy dog face imaginable. Accentuating his big blue eyes to drive the point home. He knew Collin couldn’t resist the face.

After a moment of thinking, Collin finally surrendered to his roommate’s begging. “Ugh, fine. If you can get all of them to social distance for two weeks, we can have them all over for the 4th.” Sam jumped up from his seat with glee.

“Woohoo! You won’t regret this bud! We are gonna have so much fun!” Sam gave Collin an excited side hug and ran into his room to get his phone and texted everyone who was still in town. Collin watched as Sam ran off to his room with a slight smile on his face to see him so happy, but it faded into worry for what might happen if his friends fail.

Sam presented the obstacle to the group and they were all on board. He took a head count and requests from everyone for what they would like served. Sam said that he would cook everything and they’d Venmo him their share. This way there would be less people preparing the food.

A couple weeks went by and Sam went out the Friday before to get all of the food they were going to need. With twelve people to cook for, Sam would have his work cut out for him. On the menu were burgers, chips and dip, mac n cheese, jalapeño poppers, and Sam’s homemade chocolate pudding. He bought everyone a few different types of beer and some seltzers for the nonbeer drinkers. He wanted to go all out for this get together if it was going to be the first one after months of isolation.

As he was shopping for ingredients for the dishes, he came across a fun spice kit. It was a six-piece spice set that read “Spice Up Your Life”. None of the spices seemed familiar to Sam but he thought ‘What the hell? With the way my life is going, I’m gonna need all the spice I can get.’ He grabbed the kit and continued shopping.

He arrived home and started unloading the groceries. “Hey Collin!” Sam shouted from the kitchen. “You mind running out to my car and grabbing the rest of the groceries?” Collin groaned in protest but reluctantly got up from his bed and came out to help Sam. Coming into the kitchen, he saw all of the food that Sam had already brought in.

“You have more food in the car? This is enough food to feed a village for a week and we’re having ten people over for one afternoon,” Collin said with shock.

“We can have leftovers if we have to,” said Sam, getting out various bowls, plates, and cutting boards for the preparation of the food. “Besides, you could easily eat all of this food by yourself in one sitting,” said Sam gesturing toward the slight gut that his friend had gained since the quarantine began.

“I haven’t put on that much weight, have I?” Collin looked down at his slightly bulging belly and rubbed it.

“Well, there is a reason why I have to go to the store every week instead of waiting longer.” Sam walked over and smacked his friend’s stomach and watched it jiggle a bit after. “But there’s nothing wrong with that. You normally live in the gym and eat the same diet while we’re in our normal life. It’s just your calorie needs have gone down, but your intake hasn’t,” said Sam with more sincerity in his tone.

“I guess you’re right,” Collin said with a bit of sadness for his lack of gym routine. He normally was a buff stud, but he had put on that COVID-19 and his muscles have deflated a bit from his normal jock physique. He sulked for a second and then proceeded to go get the rest of the groceries.

“Hey, don’t get down about it bud. I’m gonna tell you the same thing you told me the night we met. “I always love a little more cushion for the pushin’,” said Sam with a wink and slapped his roommate’s ass. “Now go get the food. I have a lot to do if we want everything ready for tomorrow.” Collin smiled and grabbed the rest of the groceries. Sam had wished he could repeat the night they met. But he knew not to get his hopes up too much.

Sam carried on cooking and prepping for the barbeque. He was going through his groceries and saw the spice kit he had randomly thrown in his cart. He opened it up and saw the six spices. Each seemed to have their own specific color of the rainbow for each flavor. Sam divided each flavor up to a specific dish that he’d prepare. But that left him with one spice left over, purple. He didn’t know what to do with it. So he stowed it in the pantry for another day.

After what felt like hours of preparing, everything was ready to be cooked tomorrow. Collin walked out of his room to see all of the food. “Ooooo is that your world famous homemade chocolate pudding?!?” said Collin, reaching out his finger toward the giant bowl only to have it batted away by Sam.

“Yes, it is, and you can’t have any. It’s famous for a reason. Everyone loves it and I want to make sure everyone gets some tomorrow.”

“Oh come on Sam. Just a little finger? Pretty please?” Collin said trying to use Sam’s own begging trick against him. Trying to slouch down to Sam’s shorter height to really sell it.

“Hey no fair. That’s my trick,” said Sam with a bit of a chuckle. “Alright. If you really want some, the spoon is sitting over there on the counter. Just finish up before I put everything into the dishwasher.”

Collin beamed with delight. “You’re the best.” He walked over to the counter with joy in his steps. He picked up the spoon and sat down at their dining room table. Licking the spoon and loving every second of it. “Mmmm. You really should make this more often. It’s become one of my favorite desserts ever since you’ve started making it.”

“I know. Everyone loves it, but it just takes me forever to make it.” Sam began washing the dishes while talking with his roommate.

“Yeah, but you won’t let anyone help you since it’s your family’s secret recipe.” Collin standing up quickly from the table feeling a bit of heft to his body that he was not used to. He walked over to put his now spotless spoon in the sink for his roommate to wash.

“And it’s staying that way. If you wanna try and recreate it, be my guest.” After Collin put away his spoon, he began grazing the counter for any other treats he could snack on. He saw that Sam had already finished making the dip for tomorrow. He reached into the pantry and grabbed some chips. Shoveling out the dip and into his mouth. Letting out the occasional “Mmm”.

“Hey. The dip might not be as well renowned as the pudding, but I’d still like to serve it tomorrow,” said Sam grabbing the dip and hoisting it in the fridge.

“You’re no fun.” Collin put his chips back in the pantry with defeat. “Can you at least make me something that I can eat?”

“Do I look like your mother? No. You’re a grown ass man. You can cook your own food,” said Sam as he went back to cleaning the dishes.

“Pleeeeeease Sam? I’m letting you have this barbeque. Just make one sandwich for me.” Collin again went down to Sam’s level and gave him the puppy dog face. Quivering his lip every now and then for dramatic effect.

“You’re getting way too good at that. Fine, I’ll make you a sandwich.”

“Again, you’re the best.”

“Yeah yeah yeah. Just get me out everything you want on it. I’m almost done with the dishes and then I’ll make you a grilled cheese.” Collin grabbed bread, cheese, and butter. He was wanting a grilled cheese, but not your average one. He also pulled out some jalapeños, some bacon and even grabbed a spice that Sam was using before.

“Got it. Now what?”

“Why don’t you start cooking the bacon and slicing the jalapeños? I’m almost done with the dishes and I’ll cook it for you after that.” Collin did as he was told. Frying the bacon and dicing up the jalapeños while dashing bits of spice onto them.

“All right, everything’s ready. Done with the dishes yet?”

“Almost. Why don’t you grill it and I’ll eat it when I’m done?”

“You’ve been done with dishes for a while now, haven’t you?” Collin said while throwing his sandwich on the skillet.

“And you didn’t cook all day, did you?”

“I retract my previous statement. You are no longer the best.” He picked up his sandwich and took it to the dining room.

“Nope. I’m better.” Sam walked in and joined his roommate with a banana to eat.

“So how has everyone done in terms of keeping their distance?” asked Collin between bites.

“From what I can tell, good. I don’t have ankle bracelets on them so there’s no real way to know, but from what they’ve said, they have been.”

“They’d better.” Collin said getting up to put his plate away. As Collin got up, Sam noticed his shirt was riding up a little more on his belly. Nothing too severe, but it definitely bulged out from his body a little more. Sam followed him into the kitchen and threw his banana peel into the trash.

“Need anything else before I head to bed?”

“Maybe just help me put everything away,” said Sam as he walked by his roommate to make room in the fridge for everything he’d prepared. He turned around to grab the food only to see his roommate’s pecs right in his face. ‘That’s odd. Normally I’m eye level with Collin’s chin.’

“Hey Collin, did you get taller?” Collin looked down at his roommate. He’d always been a few inches taller than him, but Sam was looking particularly small tonight.

“I doubt it. I stopped having growth spurts a in high school. Maybe you just shrank?” laughed Collin, ruffling his roommate’s hair. After the kitchen was completely clean, Collin started walking toward his room. “Night tiny.”

Sam rolled his eyes. “Night big guy.” He watched Collin walk away. His eyes lingering on his fat ass. I looked like it was pushing those poor shorts to their limit. Watching it wobble from side to side. Each cheek looked like a soccer ball. Sam knew what he’d be jerking off to tonight. He headed to his room and shut the door. After a quick jack, he went to bed, excited for their get together tomorrow.


Chapter 2: Looking Back

Back before they were roommates, Collin and Sam only had a couple mutual friends. Said friends brought them both to the same party one night. The groups merged and made their way to the beer pong table. Collin yelled out that he needed a partner and Sam was happy to oblige the jock. They exchanged names, who they were friends with, and started playing. After they put up a good fight, the duo had been beaten by their friends, but that didn’t stop them from chatting. They both popped a squat on the steps into the garage. They continued talking about nothing important. Majors, student organizations they were in, and any gripes they had with being new college students.

Eventually they got on the subject of dating. Collin had said that he had been looking out all night for someone to take home. Sadly, he wasn’t having much luck. He asked Sam if he was tied down by a relationship or not and was looking for any hotties tonight.

“Free as a bird. I broke up with my boyfriend when we were going to different schools and I didn’t want to do the long-distance thing. And maybe. I’m always open to options.” Collin did a double take in his drunken state on what Sam had just said. It was said so casually, he was caught off guard.

“Wait, back up. You’re gay?” Collin said in shock.

“Yeah, man.”

“But like, you seem… normal? I thought that gay guys were all high pitched and brightly colored and shit?”

“Let me guess. You’ve never met a gay person, have you?” Sam said with annoyance in his voice. Collin shook his head in shame. “Well, now you have. Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I speak in a decimal only dog can hear and wear clothes that look like a rainbow threw up on me. I can still kick anyone’s ass in COD and then drop my ass low on the dance floor.” Sam took a swig of his beer and looked over at Collin.

“Really? You play Call of Duty?”

“Yeah man. I have since the 360 days. It was fun to get on voice and when they called me a faggot. I’d always reply with, ‘Yeah, I am. Wanna come over?’” This sent Collin into a laughing frenzy.

“That’s hilarious man. I guess I never really thought about a gay guy being into all that kind of stuff.”

“I find educating you straight boys is the best way to fix intolerance.”

“Yeah. Uh, think I could ask a few questions?”

“Course man. Shoot.”

“Well, I’ve always thought that a guy could be cute. But not like how girls are. Is that normal for a straight guy? I don’t know. I shouldn’t have said anything,” said Collin, starting to stand up from their seats.

“Hey, hold up big guy,” said Sam grabbing his arm. “Talk to me. I won’t judge you on anything you have to say.” Collin plopped back down next to Sam.

“I don’t know man. I just sometimes think some guys are hot. Like really hot. I always look at their muscles with envy and that’s why I’ve built my body like this. I’ve always been envious of their bodies, but now I’m thinking I just want their bodies.” Sam turned to Collin and looked into his eyes.

“Well, do you think I’m cute?” Sam stood up and did a quick turn.

“Haha yeah. You’re pretty cute. Those big blue eyes, your spiked blonde hair, and that ass. I always say, there can always be more cushion for the pushin’ and god damn, you got a lot of cushion.” Sam started blushing at the big jock’s compliments. A bit surprised at how straight up he was being. But Sam was seeing that Collin was sounding less and less straight by the minute.

Sitting back down next to Collin, Sam went to compliment him. “Well, you’re no slouch yourself. You’ve got that cute ‘boy next door look’ goin’ for ya. That boyish smile of yours, your shaggy brown hair, and not to mention these big things.” Sam reached out and gave Collin’s bicep a good squeeze. Collin laughed at the gesture and then looked at Sam. Their eyes met and everything froze. In an instant, it was just the two of them sitting on those steps. Collin decided to take a leap of faith and started to lean in. Sam saw his move and mirrored him until their lips met with a kiss.

The two began passionately making out in the middle of the party. They quickly got up, not breaking the kiss and made their way to somewhere a little more private. Once they found a quiet corner, Sam began kissing and sucking on Collin’s neck while using his hands to play with his nipples and grip his hardening cock. Collin could only moan to tell Sam to keep going. And he did.

They quickly became aware that they were still at a party when a group started to form around them like they were a side performance at a circus. The pair decided to order an Uber back to Sam’s dorm. Lucky for them, Sam’s roommate was still at the party and Sam sent him “Please crash at someone else’s place tonight. I’m getting some.” To which his roommate responded “Let’s go Sam! I will crash at Eric’s.” The whole ride, the two were all over each other. Grabbing pecs, biceps, cock, ass, if there was a bulging body part, a hand somehow found it. The uber dropped the two of them off and they quickly went into Sam’s room and ditched their clothes.

“How are you feeling, big guy?” asked Sam in a seductive tone.

“I feel great. You’re really good at this.”

“Well, practice makes perfect. When you start kissing more guys, you’ll learn some new skills too. Now com ‘ere.” Sam guided Collin to the bed where he laid him down. Sam climbed on top of Collin’s big body and gently kissed him. However, Collin did not return the kiss. He was deep in thought from what Sam said.

More guys? I can barely rationalize making out with this one. Are we gonna have sex? I don’t think I want sex with a guy. What am I doing here? Collin dragged himself out of his thoughts to speak.

“Hey Sam?”

“Yeah, sexy?” asked Sam as he kissed Collin’s neck.

“I don’t think I can do this.” Collin shimmied out from under Sam and put his clothes back on.

“What?” said Sam with shock. “What do you mean?”

“I just don’t think this is for me. In the heat of the moment I was overtaken by you, but I don’t think dudes are my thing.” Collin said as he pulled his jeans up and started buttoning his shirt.

“But… but what about the things that you were saying? What about my eyes and my butt and all that stuff? Were you just trying to play with me?” Sam said feeling a little hurt for being fooled.

“What? No. I wouldn’t do that. I just… don’t know. I’m confused and I don’t know what to do. But I need to sort all of this out on my own.” Collin said, trying to temper Sam. He slouched back down in his bed. His emotions switching from sadness to anger that he’d convinced himself a straight boy would sleep with him.

“Well, I guess I’m sorry then for leading you down a sinful path.” He rolled himself over in a huff facing away from Collin.

“No, Sam, it’s not like that at all. I just need to figure me out. I still think you’re a cool guy and if you’re up for it, I’ll take you up on that COD invite, if it’s still on the table.” Sam turned his head to see the large man.

“PlayStation 4 or XBOX 1?” was all that he said.

“PlayStation of course.”

“All right. I guess we can play at some point.” Sam sat up and wrote down his gamer tag in a journal and ripped out the paper to give to the lumbering jock.

“Thanks man. I’ll friend you tomorrow.” Collin opened the door and started walking out but stopped. “Hey Sam, I’m sorry.”

Sam rolled back over on his side and only said “Good night.” Collin frowned and shut the door. After he left, Sam thought to himself, I will never see or hear from that boy again.

To Sam’s surprise, he did get a friend request from Collin the next day. They started playing regularly together and met up in person to get lunch on campus. Despite some awkwardness that was had at the beginning, the two did manage to remain friends. They hung out together and merged their friend groups permanently. The friends would occasionally give Collin shit for making out with Sam, but he’d brush it off. The two agreed to be roommates next year and the rest is history.


Chapter 3: Lunch Time

Sam was the first one up at dawn. He started boiling the noodles for the mac n cheese and went out to their backyard to fire up the grill for the burgers and poppers. He got out the pudding, giving it a quick taste test before setting it out for everyone to enjoy. Lastly, he set out the chips and dip along with the cooler with all the drinks inside.

Collin was slowly but surely rolling out of bed. Sending his streaks and looking at everyone’s endeavors last night. He scrolled aimlessly until he saw one of his friend’s stories. He clicked it and she was out at a bar. Collin sat up from his bed. He searched for his other friends’ stories only to find that all of them were out at the bars together last night. Collin was fuming from this realization. He quickly went to their group chat and started typing.

“Since you think the bars are so fun, you can stay home from the barbecue. Hope the drinks were worth it.” Collin sent out the text and stormed out of his room.

“Great. You’re finally awake,” Sam greeted him for the morning. “Could you stir the noodles and cheese together for me? I have to go take the burgers and poppers off the grill.” Sam quickly rushed outside after he poured the noodles into his cheese concoction.

“Sam, we need to—”

“Stir the pot Collin,” said Sam as he dashed outside. Collin let out a sigh of annoyance and did what he was told. After adequately stirring, he followed his roommate outside.

“Sam have you checked your phone this morning?”

“No. I got up, put on my outfit and started cooking. I’m pretty sure it’s still in my room.” And just like that Sam was back inside getting plates ready.

“Sam, stop what you’re doing and read this.”

“Collin, I don’t have time. They’re gonna be here in thirty minutes.”

“Sam!” Collin grabbed his jittery roommate. “Calm down. You’re going full Monica on me. Breathe.” Collin let go of him and lifted up his phone. “Look at this.” Sam took the phone from his roommate and started reading. His eyes widened as he read.

“No no no no no. I’m gonna kill them. They promised me that they would keep their distance.” Sam threw the paper plates down to the floor in a huff. He went to sit down at the table. “What are we gonna do? Everything’s already cooked.” Collin walked over and sat down next to him.

“I’m sorry bud. I knew how much you wanted this to happen.” Collin rubbed Sam’s shoulder. “And hey, you said it earlier. We can have leftovers for the next week or two.” Sam looked over at his roommate and put his hand over Collin’s.

“Thanks big guy. I’m just so pissed off at them. How could they do that? They only had to last one more day.” Sam laid his head down on the table. Collin patted his back with comfort.

“I know, but we’ll just wait on seeing them until we know it’s safe.” Collin got up from his seat and headed into the kitchen. He started fixing up one plate full of burgers and another full of mac ‘n’ cheese. Coming back to the table and setting the food down in front of him. “Sam, eat. You’ve been cooking for what feels like days. Don’t let it go to waste. I even got mac ‘n’ cheese. I know it’s your favorite.”

“I’m not hungry right now. Too sad to eat.” Sam grabbed his fork and started playing with his mac ‘n’ cheese. “But don’t let me stop you. Dig in. Might as well have someone enjoy my cooking.” Collin looked down at his full plate. He picked up his burger and took a bite. The flavor hit him instantly.

“Mmm. Sam, I know you are pissed right now, but damn you can cook.” Collin went in for another bite of the burger. In mere seconds it had vanished into the big jock’s stomach.

“Thanks. I’ll be right back.” Sam left the table and went to his room to grab his phone. He got it and was hit with a barrage of messages from his friends ranging from apologies to excuses. He texted back.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll just reschedule for a different time when all this blows over.” He went back out to the kitchen to see Collin feasting on his lunch. Sam gave a half smile as he saw his friend enjoying his food. Then he noticed something. His shirt looked tighter. Everywhere. Like someone had just put a tire jack on him and pushed a bit of air in him. His biceps looked like they were fighting for space in his sleeves and seemed to be getting bigger. His pecs looked to be growing as well as his width. He had always had a nice pec shelf that Sam could see in tight shirts, but this was on a whole new level. They were stretching his shirt higher and higher on his torso, exposing his belly.

“Hey Collin, did you get a quick pump earlier?”

“No. Not at all. Why do you ask?”

“Oh no reason. You just look a bit bigger today.”

“Thanks, man. Guess I haven’t lost all my muscles from before quarantine.” Proving his point by holding up one of his biceps and flexing it. Sam was pretty sure he could hear the sound of seams ripping as it blossomed even bigger. Collin finished off the last burger on his plate and sat back with a satisfying belch. “Ah. That was so good. Thanks for cooking Sam.” Sam sat back down at the table and started eating off his plate.

“No problem big guy. Thanks for not being a total asshole like the rest of our friends,” said Sam taking a bite of the mac n cheese.

“Oh, you know I’m not like that. I could never be that kind of a jerk to you. You’re one of my best friends and I care about you. I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings that way.” Sam looked up at his beefy roommate and smiled.

“Thanks Collin. That means a lot. And for what it’s worth. I care about you too.” He put his hand on Collin’s. They sat there for a little while until Sam broke the silence.

“What’ll it be next? We’ve got plenty of options for you.” Sam began walking to the kitchen to grab more food for his roommate.

“Hmm, I think I’ll take some chips and dip. My enjoyment last night was cut short by you and I’d like to try it again.” Collins’ eyes lingered on Sam’s ass as it swayed into the kitchen. It looked fuller than before. Sam had always had an ass on him, but there was something about it today. It was different. He shook off the thought quickly when Sam returned with the chips and dip. Collin grabbed a chip and dunked it in the dip and the chip then disappeared into his mouth.

“Mmm. Just as good as it was last night. My compliments to the chef” Collin kept shoveling away at the giant bowl of dip while Sam still kept picking at his mac n cheese. Sam had been typing on his phone, replying to his friends, and suddenly looked over at his roommate. He was huge. There was no doubt in his mind now. He was getting bigger.

“Collin. Stand up for me real quick.” Sam stood up and Collin stood up next to him and rose up and up. Last night Sam was about eye level with a little below Collin’s collar bone, but today he was looking directly into his nipples, but that didn’t last long as the body elongated upwards even more. Sam looked up to meet Collin’s eyes. “Uh, Collin? You feeling okay?”

“Yeah. Never better. Why?”

“You don’t see anything wrong here?”

“No. Why should I?” Sam looked perplexed by his roommate’s comments. ‘How could he not realize he’s like a foot taller than usual?’

“Uh nothing. Just go back to your eating. I gotta go check on something.” Collin sat back down in his chair and Sam walked into the kitchen and pulled out the spices he had just bought. He started reading the fine print on them.

“Warning: Users may find that they have an allergic reaction to the spices. There may be swelling, rashes, coughing, possible closing of the airway that can lead to death.” That was no real help, so he looked up the spices online to find their website. When he opened it, there were dozens of well built, tall, hung men on the home screen. ‘Is this a food distribution site or gay porn site?’ thought Sam to himself.

“Hey Sam. Think you could bring me some of those jalapeño poppers?”

“Huh? Oh yeah. I’ll be right in” Sam closed his phone and made a plate of jalapeño poppers for Collin. When he turned around, he was shocked by what he saw. Collin had gotten big. Really big. As Sam walked closer to the table, he realized he could look his roommate in the eyes while he was sitting down. He could see little tears forming in his shirt from the strain of his big body.

“I feel like a ravenous beast. I can’t stop eating. I didn’t think I could even be this hungry after a few burgers and the chips and dip.” Sam went to set the poppers in front of Collin. Before he even made contact with the table, Collin had immediately started shooting them into his mouth. Sam didn’t know what to think. His already hot roommate was getting hotter.

“Collin maybe after these you take a little break from eating to help me clean a bit.”

“Fine, but after that, it’s back to your cooking. Man, I’m starving,” he said in between bites of the poppers. Sam polished off his first plate of mac n cheese. He took his and Collin’s empty plates to the kitchen. This was first time that Collin broke from his indulgence. He looked on in awe as Sam walked away. His ass was ginormous. It looked like he had shoved two basketballs down his shorts. And it was slowly getting bigger. His tight shorts were beginning to look painted on. And the way it jiggled when he walked was getting Collin hot below the belt. He felt his dick throbbing in his basketball shorts. It was on fire, he had never been this turned on in his life.

He finished off the last of the poppers and got up to put his dishes away. But when he sat up, his head hit the ceiling fan in their dining room. “Ouch. The fuck?” Bringing him back to reality, he began to take note of everything around him. It all looked like it had shrunk down. “Sam. Why is everything so small?”

Sam turned to face his roommate and was shocked by what he saw. Collin had to be over 7 feet tall with muscles that rivaled the Hulk’s. His biceps had to be the size of cannonballs and his pecs like two dictionaries in his shirt. He looked wider than most door frames. Sam’s eyes moved down. He could see Collin’s cock stretching the confines of his shorts. It was slowly pulsing bigger and bigger. Each time Sam saw it grow bigger, he thought it was rock solid, but it just kept growing. “Collin, big guy, I don’t think everything got smaller. I think you just got bigger.”

“What?” Collin looked down at himself and realized his vision was blocked by his pecs. He lifted his hands up and saw that everything on him had grown bigger. “How is this possible?”

“I think there is something wrong with some of the spices I used. I don’t know exactly what, but I’m pretty sure they’re somehow connected.” Sam walked over to his towering roommate, taking in all of his body.

“That would explain why your ass looks huge.” Collin was connecting the dots in his head. Sam was now alert of how tight his shorts felt. He looked over his shoulder and saw his ass had put on 10 pounds. Which on his 5’6 body was a substantial amount. Each cheek looked bigger than a bowling ball. Then it hit Sam.

“You were checking out my ass?” he said with a smirk. Collins’ face reddened.

“Um no. Well yes, but uh… that’s just because it looked obscenely bigger. I was just making sure that you were okay.”

“Uh huh and how do you explain this?” Sam said as he reached out and gripped his roommates colossal dick. Unable to close his hand around the monster.

Collin let out a low moan as Sam made contact with his cock. “Alright. Yes, I was staring at your ass. But it’s just so big and I can’t help but stare at your ass. It’s so cute on your little body.” Collin froze after the words left his mouth. Shocked by the confession he just made. Sam’s eyes lit up.

“I make this fat ass even better?” Sam said reaching up and grabbing Collin’s shoulder to bring him down to eye level.

“Well yeah. If I’m being honest. Your cute face and that ass makes you pretty cute. Not to mention you’re smart, funny, caring, and no one can carry games like you can.” Sam started to turn as red as a tomato from his words. Collin would make the flirtatious comment every once in a while. Just to be polite after a bad day to make Sam feel better, but nothing like this. He was putting in a little more effort today to boost him back up.

“Thanks Collin. You’ve been a great friend and roommate to me. And you’re still that cute boy next door jock I met freshman year. I’m just glad I got to know you more. After you left that night of the party, I expected to never hear from you again, but you proved me wrong. I got to know you as this sweet, caring, and gentle guy. Even though now you could crush me like a toothpick.” They both shared a small laugh. “But I’m proud to call you my best friend.”

The two gazed into each other’s eyes and it was at that point, Collin leaned in and kissed him. Sam melted into Collin’s lips and wrapped his arms around the hulking man’s body. It was like electricity had been shot through their whole systems. The kiss felt like it lasted an eternity before it ended and the two broke from each other.

“Well if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you hit your head too hard when you stood up.” Sam said jokingly. Collin let out a little chuckle at Sam’s comment.

“No Sam. I like you. I really do. This all me baby.” Sam looked at his roommate. Collin flashed his show stopping smile to him. That made Sam fall head over heels for him, but he knew better than to do that.

“Are you sure? The last time we did this, I ended up blue balled in bed with a heavy heart.”

“Sam,” Collin stood up and lifted his tiny roommate up to his face, “I wanna be with you.” And with that, Collin brought Sam to his face and the two shared in another magical kiss. If Collin hadn’t been holding him, Sam definitely would’ve gone weak in the knees from this one.

When the two broke away, Sam couldn’t help but smile. “Collin, you don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that.” Sam hugged his massive roommate the best he could.

“I think I know the feeling. I love you, Sam.” Sam’s eyes shot open in shock.

“Whoa there, big guy.” Sam released his hug from Collin. “Let’s take it easy. I know we are opening up with our feelings for each other right now, but let’s pump the brakes just a little bit.” Collin’s eyes faded from glee to sorrow. He had just confessed one of his biggest secrets to his crush and got rejected. His heart just went on an emotional roller coaster ride of it being at the top of the peak and then shooting straight down.

“Oh yeah. Of course.” He set Sam back down on the ground. “I was being dramatic. Sorry.” He turned and started walking towards his room.

“Collin, wait!” Sam shouted out. But it was too late. Collin had shut his door and thrown himself onto his bed. He was about ready to cry after hearing Sam say that. Sam rushed over to his door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

“Collin let me in! Please!” He started banging on the door. “We have to talk about this!”

“What’s there to talk about? You don’t want me, and you don’t love me. That’s all I need to know!” Collin yelled out then buried his head in his pillows.

“But I do love you! You know that! Would you please just open the door so we can talk?” Sam sat at the door for a minute. Thinking that he’d have to get a new roommate now, but to his astonishment, he heard an unlocking noise being heard on the other side of the door followed by heavy footsteps going back to Collin’s bed.

Sam opened the door and saw Collin sprawled out on the whole bed faced down in his pillow. His full-sized bed not doing well to accommodate his bigger body. His feet were now hanging off the edge by a decent amount. “Hey big guy. I’m sorry for what I said. Can you flip over so that we can talk?” Collin didn’t move a muscle. Sam sat down on his bed next to him. “Okay, then I’ll talk and I hope that you listen to me.”

He drew in a breath. “Collin, I do love you. Being friends with you for the past three years has been incredible. I have come to know you as a person and a friend. I love you like you’re my best friend.”

Collin suddenly rolled over and shouted, “What, so you’re putting me in the friend zone now?!?” Anger and pain coming out in his voice.

“No. Not at all. I’m just saying that I need time to learn to love you in a romantic way. I know that you’re a great guy. I know that you are a stud. I know that I care a lot about you. I just want to know how well we can do romantically. God, this sounded a lot less dickish in my head.”

“Really? Cause I’d say you’ve been a huge ass today in more ways than one.” Collin turned back over in a huff.

“Look, what I’m trying to say is that I want to be with you, and I want to love you. I have been planning out what our lives would be like in my head ever since we met. What it would be like kissing you. What it would be like being held by you. What it would be like dancing with you. What it would be like going to bed with you.” Collin looked up.

“You’re really gonna think about sex right now?”

“I mean yeah, but that’s not what I meant.” Collin rolled his eyes and slammed his head back into the pillow. “I mean playing Overwatch together all night in bed and kissing each other when we win. Cuddling with each other before we doze off to sleep. Waking up next to you and seeing that goofy smile of yours in the morning to start off my day right.” Collin rolled over to fully face Sam. There was a long pause before either of them spoke again.

“You really think about all that stuff?” he said with a timid voice.

“Yes. I dream about it all the time. But I want to know that it can really happen. I need to know if this is just infatuation or if it’s the real deal.”

“I guess I can see your point there.” Collin sat up in bed. Feeling better after what Sam had just confessed to him.

“Hey.” Sam went in for a quick kiss on Collin. “We’ll get there big guy. Let’s just start with going on a date first.” Collin smiled a little bit at the thought of taking Sam out on a date. “Of course with a global pandemic, I don’t know how well you’d do at a restaurant.” Now Collin was full on smiling.

“We’ll make it work. I believe in us.” Collin leaned in and pecked Sam on the forehead then grabbed him and pulled him into a big bear hug. “There is just one thing I’d like cleared up.”

“Of course. Anything, babe.”

“Are you really thinking about sex right now?”

“Oh my god.” Sam sat up in annoyance with Collin’s question. “Yes, Collin, I am thinking about sex. I’m a guy who hasn’t had sex since December. I’m always thinking about sex.” Sam said in a flat tone.

“We’ve only been in quarantine since March.”

“Yeah. What’s your point?” Collin smiled at his lover’s comment. “And with that fuck pole you’ve got growing there, how could I not. You literally became more of a walking wet dream than you were before.” It was Collin’s turn to blush. Feeling his dick start to stir after hearing Sam talk about how big he is. “Looks like someone’s thinking about sex too.” Sam nodded to the growing bulge fighting for space in Collin’s shorts.

“Hey, you started talking about it and woke him up.” Sam chuckled at the cheeky comment.

“Well if you’d like me to,” Sam reached across the bed to Collin’s thigh, “I can take care of it.” Collin got a rush when Sam touched his cock.

“I thought you said we should go on a date first?”

“Oh Collin. You have a lot to learn about gays. Anal is first base.”

“Shut up you horny bastard.”

“It’s true. First anal, second talking about our childhood trauma, third meeting the family, and then we say I love you.”

“Whatever, come here and give me some sugar.” Collin said in a mobster accent. Sam leaned forward and kissed Collin. This time, it was more aggressive. Passionate. They slowly but surely started to full on making out. Sam started to pull up Collin’s t-shirt while Collin was unbuttoning Sam’s shorts. Shucking off every ounce of clothing they had until they were both naked on top of each other. Sam broke away from Collin’s lips to look down at his lover’s gargantuan body.

“Wow. Just wow.” Sam explored Collin for the first time. Everything was just so big. He started rubbing and licking Collin’s bicep.

“You like?” Collin said seductively. Flexing his bicep and making it expand bigger before Sam’s very eyes

“Baby, you know I do.” Sam moved on to the expanse he called a chest. Sam took to massaging each pec. Collin bounced them back and forth as Sam kneaded them. This made Sam stare in amazement. Ogling each twitch from the huge muscles. He proceeded to suckle his giant nipples. Sending Collin into a moaning frenzy.

“Sam, I don’t remember a whole lot about what led up to us making out in your dorm freshmen year, but I do remember that you know how to work a nipple.” Collin continued to moan and groan as Sam switched over to the other side. Sam felt his lover’s cock land on his back between his legs. Nestled in his ass cheeks like a hotdog in a bun. Sam began to arch his back, bringing his ass up into the air with Collin’s cock in between the cheeks.

Collin saw his roommate’s actions and leaned forward to grab a handful of his ass. “Damn Sammy. You’ve really gotten huge back there. I mean I knew you had some cake before, but damn. Now each cheek looks bigger than your head.” Collin began massaging Sam’s fat ass. Giving it the occasional smack and watching shockwaves vibrate over each massive globe. He then moved to fingering Sam to start warming him up for one of the biggest cocks in the world. Normally, Sam would be worried about taking so much dick at one time, but with his newly enhanced ass, he was ready for it.

“Collin, you think you’re ready for it?” Sam got up from sucking his nipples.

“Am I ready? You’re about to take a cock that puts porn stars to shame. Are you ready?”

“Of course I’m ready. I’ve been ready for three years.”

“Then get that fat ass of pumping.” Sam did not need to be told twice. He got up from his perch on Collin’s chest and crawled back to his cock. It was now rock hard and pointing straight up in all its glory. It looked to be over 12 inches and thicker than a soda can bottle.

Sam positioned his asshole with Collin’s head and started to slowly lower himself down. Swallowing up the python. The head went in his ass and Sam felt a rush of pain at first. He let out a tiny whimper as the mushroom disappeared into his ass. Collin only moaned in pleasure then looked up to realize Sam was struggling.

“Sam, are you okay?” Collin said with concern. Sam nodded to give his roommate reassurance.

“You’re just fucking massive. That’s all.” Sam started to slowly slide down Collin’s shaft. Collin could only throw his head back with euphoria as his dick was squeezed tightly into Sam’s ass. After Sam had gotten down most of the shaft, Collin’s dick hit the prostate and Sam’s sense were overloaded with pleasure. He quickly engulfed the rest of Collin’s mighty cock into his ass until he hit the base. Sam looked up to see Collin in pure ecstasy. His enhanced cock was now sitting in his crush’s huge ass. He was in heaven.

“Sam, buddy, this is perfect.”

“I know a way to make it even better.” Sam slowly started rising off of Collins’s base until gliding himself back down. He repeated this action slowly but began picking up speed and force. Each time hearing Collin moan louder. Collin began bucking his hips into Sam. Forcing himself deeper and deeper into Sam’s guts. Sam himself was hard as a rock. His average 5 inches was ready to fire its load with all of the stimulus his prostate was getting.

“I think I’m gonna cum soon babe.” Collin shouted in between moans. His breath shortened as he was preparing for the orgasm of his life.

“Me too baby. Just keep pumping.” Collin did as he was told and in a matter of seconds, he let out the lowest moan Sam had ever heard. He felt his insides being filled with cum. The sensation was too much for Sam and his dam broke as well. Shooting all over Collin’s bulky belly and chest. After Sam had finished cumming, he lifted his body into the air and off of Collin’s dick with a satisfying “POP”. Collin kept shooting cum into the air until the last bit was forced from his balls. They both laid on the bed, side by side, panting from exhaustion.

“That was incredible,” said Collin in between breaths.

“I’ll say. That was hands down the best sex I’ve had in my life.”

“Agreed.” Collin rolled on his side and gave Sam a kiss on the cheek. “So now can I say I love you?”

Sam smiled and rolled his eyes at the big lug. “You’re not gonna let that go, are you?”


“Ugh. You’re so difficult.” Sam rolled to his side to meet Collin and gave him a kiss. “We’ll go on a date and then we’ll see.”

“Whatever you say babe.” Collin wrapped his arms around his little lover. “Can I be honest with you real quick?”

“Always bud. What’s up?

“I’m surprised you were able to take all of my dick. That thing is huge, and you took it like a champ.”

“I wouldn’t say that, but this new ass makes it a hell of a lot easier. We should get you one just like it.”

“Yeah and we should get you a dick just like this.”

“I mean, there is a platter of food out in the kitchen that’s geared to growing us. We could always make things a bit bigger. I have always thought that bigger is better.”

“Babe if we’re making our bodies bigger, there’s no ‘a bit bigger’ there’s just bigger, bigger, and more bigger.”

“I like the way you think, but for now I’m tired. Let’s take a nap and figure all of this out when we wake up, okay?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I am pretty tired. Doubling my weight and adding a foot in height is kinda exhausting. Come ‘ere little guy.” Collin pulled Sam’s body into his and wrapped both of his arms around him. “Sleep tight, Sammy.”

“You too, big guy.” And with that the two dozed off with each other in their arms.


Chapter 4: Dinner Time

Sam was the first to wake up. His face lying on Collin’s pillowy pecs. He slowly started scooting and shimmying out from under Collin’s beefy arm, eventually making it out without waking the sleeping giant. When he stood up, he immediately realized there was still cum in his ass. He clenched up and started walking toward the bathroom. As Sam waddled, he could feel all of the jizz sloshing around his insides. He made it to the bathroom and began the work of clearing out his cum soaked guts.

When Sam shut the door, Collin awoke from his slumber as well. He saw that his lover was no longer in his arms. He got up to go to his mirror and admired his newly grown body. He never actually got the chance to look at himself. Sam wasn’t kidding. He was much bigger. After almost four months with no gym, he looked like he never left and even upped his regiment. Collin flexed his bicep, watching all of the muscle bunch up and relax. Amazed with how significant the difference of size was. Then he moved to his pecs. He grabbed one of them in his hand. Feeling the sheer weight of the bulging muscle. He began popping them from side to side, bouncing them up and down to the song in his head. He continued down his body to his stomach. He was surprised not to see any abs there. He still had a bit of a belly. ‘Guess food is still food and will fill up this gut up either way,’ thought Collin to himself. Patting his belly with his hand.

Moving down to his legs, he examined the tree trunks. Each thigh looked bigger than Sam’s waist. Well, I guess his old waist. Collin turned around to try to admire his ass. Collin had always worked on his glutes at the gym, but it seemed perkier than usual. It didn’t look extremely big like the rest of his body or nearly as big as Sam’s, but still looked good enough to eat. He turned back to the facing front and examined his crown jewel, his cock. It truly was an anaconda. Definitely the biggest dick he’d ever seen, minus those morphed pictures he’d find on the internet. He’d put porn stars to shame. His balls had also grown a little bit to the size of eggs. He looked back up and admired his body as a whole. He truly was an Adonis.

His admiration was interrupted by his stomach groaning. He looked at the clock and realized he and Sam had been asleep for almost three hours. It was dinner time. Collin slipped on some boxers and a t-shirt. The boxers looked more like briefs with his massive sausage legs stuffed into them. And the once oversized t-shirt he put on, now exposed half of the big man’s belly. He ducked out of his room and saw all of the food that Sam had prepared for the barbecue still out. He reached for the food but stopped himself. He couldn’t grow anymore. Not without Sam here. He wanted to give a show to his little roommate next time. He decided to put all of the food in the fridge for now. Sealing everything up and jamming them into the already packed fridge.

He had put everything away except one bowl. The chocolate pudding. Collin paused for a moment. ‘Sam wouldn’t taint his oh so special family recipe with some random spice, would he? He keeps that recipe pure. It’s sacred to him. Maybe I can just steal a few spoonfuls.’ Collin closed the fridge and got a big spoon from the silverware drawer. He sat down at the table and started eating. The second the pudding hit his lips, Collin let out mmms and ahhs of delight. He picked up pace, shoveling pudding into his mouth.

Sam walked out of the bathroom with a freshly cleaned asshole. He walked into the kitchen to see his big roommate’s gut growing bigger. “Collin!” He looked up from his bowl of pudding. “What’re you doing!?!”

“I was hungry, so I was eating some food. Simple concept,” Collin said as he put his full spoon into his mouth.

“You’re growing again,” said Sam, walking up and smacking his roommate’s growing gut. “We can’t risk these big spurts. We have to know what these spices do.” Collin looked down to see that his once manageable gut now was pushing into the table in front of him. He leapt to his feet with shock, feeling the new weight of his belly and learning how to balance now that he was so front heavy. His shirt looked like a crop top on Collin, exposing his inflating hairless midsection.

“You put that spice into your chocolate pudding? I would’ve thought that you wouldn’t taint your secret family recipe?” Collin put his hand on his expanding belly. He felt the movements within it. It felt strange to feel the skin stretching out to accommodate for more growth to pour into him.

“I thought about not, but then decided to. I thought it would just be a fun kick of flavor. How’d I know it would make you look 9 months pregnant?” Sam poked at his roommate’s belly as it seemed to settle. It didn’t feel as squishy as a water balloon, but it wasn’t completely rock solid either. He continued to poke and prod at the big orb while Collin let out the occasional snicker.

“Hey, stop it little guy. That tickles.” Sam smiled at Collin’s comment.

“What? You mean this?” Sam lurched forward attacking Collins big belly. It contracted in and out as Collin started laughing.

“Stop it little guy!” Collin managed to say in between laughs. He grabbed Sam’s petite arms and pulled them off of him. Hoisting his little roommate up into the air.

“You’re so strong. You can pick me up like it’s nothing.”

“It’s easy when the one you’re picking up is a twig. Only thing that’s really weighing you down is that fat ass of yours.” Collin let go of one of Sam’s arms and put one of his giant mitts on Sam’s ass to support him.

“Well, maybe in a bit, I can have a snack. Maybe I’ll get so big, you’ll be light as a feather to me.” Sam scooted his ass forward so that he could now sit on Collin’s giant belly. It stuck out so far that Sam could easily use it as a perch to kiss his lover.

“With this belly, I doubt it,” said Collin, grabbing his gut and shaking it.

“You never know baby. I like the belly on you. I’ve always been of the mindset that a belly looks better than abs on everyone,” Sam added, reaching down and rubbing the expanded midsection.

“Well, the pudding is right there Sammy. Knock yourself out if you’d like.” Collin grabbed the little guy resting on his belly and set him down on the ground. He walked over to the kitchen to grab something he could eat that wouldn’t affect his size.

“You just had the pudding just now, right?” asked Sam, perplexed.

“Yeah. Haven’t eaten any of the other food you made since lunch.” Collin grabbed some old chicken leftovers and threw it in the microwave.

“So you just ate that, and your belly blew up.” Sam’s mind was starting to put all of the pieces together.

“Yeah, so what?” Sam got up from his chair then ran to his room to grab a spiral and a pen. He came back and grabbed five of the spices out of the pantry.

“So I’m starting to figure this whole spice thing out.” Sam wrote everything down on the sheet of paper. “So, we know that you’ve eaten burgers, chips and dip, jalapeño poppers, and the pudding today. And you’ve had muscle growth, cock growth, height growth and belly growth. I’ve only had the mac n cheese and I’ve only had ass growth.”

“You’re saying that each food or spice is connected to a certain area of the body.”

“Exactly. And we can connect mac n cheese to ass growth and the pudding to your belly growth.” Sam picked up the spice containers and set them out color order. “I used the yellow spice on the mac n cheese so this spice will grow your butt. I used the blue spice on the pudding. This spice grows your gut,” he said out loud as he wrote everything down on his sheet of paper. “The only problem is that you ate the burgers, chips and poppers so close to each other, we don’t know what’s connected to the other three spices.” Sam sat the red, orange, and green spices out.

“Well Sammy, there’s an easy way to find out,” said Collin, gulping down his meal and heading to the fridge. He started pulling out all of the food from earlier.


Chapter 5: Testing

“Collin, do you really think it’s a good idea for you to be growing again? If you get any taller, you’ll smash through the ceiling,” said Sam as Collin began unwrapping the food from lunch.

“Who said anything about me growing anymore? I was thinking about taking my paper-thin roommate and blowing him up a bit.” Sam’s eyes grew wide at the thought of himself growing bigger.

“Really? You want me to be your size?”

“Well, not my size necessarily, but I think you’d look good if the rest of your body matched that ass of yours.” Sam was getting a little turned on about how his roommate wanted him to start getting bigger too.

“I’ll grow for you, baby, on one condition,” said Sam as he walked over to Collin. “You let me grow one part of you as much as I want.” Collin’s smile widened and his cock started to stiffen at his proposal.

“Deal.” Collin leaned down and sealed it with a kiss. “So where would you like to start?”

“Hold that thought.” Sam rushed out of the kitchen and into Collin’s room. He was in there for a bit while Collin prepared a plate of each of the foods. Sam finally returned in Collin’s clothes. He had on an XXL hoodie and the stretchiest pair of sweatpants. The hoodie looked like a dress on Sam’s thin and shorter body. And if it weren’t for his ass, the pants would be on the floor. They already were bunched up around his ankles when he walked.

“What in the hell are you wearing?”

“If you’re gonna blow me up bigger, I wanna know what it feels like in your big clothes,”

“You’re not even my boyfriend and you’ve already stolen one of my hoodies.”

“I’m not stealing it. You’ll get it back after I grow into it.”

“What if you rip it from growing too much?”

“I’m not gonna grow that much. You said it yourself. You want me big, but not as big as you.”

“We’ll see about that,” said Collin under his breath. “So, I’ll say it again, what would you like to start with?”

“Hmm. I’ll go in reverse order of you and start with the poppers.” Collin grabbed the plate from the kitchen and set it down in front of Sam at the dining room table and then joined him in the seat next him.

“Bon Appetit,” said Collin in his best French accent. Sam was less ravenous than Collin was with his food. Taking bites of the food instead of inhaling it like a vacuum.

“When did you start to notice my changes?” asked Collin.

“Well I wasn’t sure what was happening at first,” said Sam in between bites “I thought you had just gotten a quick pump in before the day like you did some pushups or something. Then I went into my room to text the group and when I came out, you were huge.”

“You didn’t think to tell me I was getting bigger?”

“I thought about it, but then wanted to know why. That’s when I started looking up the spices that I had bought. I didn’t know if you were having an allergic reaction or something, but by the time you had gotten really big, you had started to notice too.” Sam continued to eat the poppers on the plate. Not feeling any changes happening to him.

“How long did it take for your growth to kick in?”

“I don’t know. You’d probably know better than I do. I just remember sitting in my chair eating and then when I stood up, everything looked like it shrunk.”

“Well I don’t feel any stronger.” Sam tried to flex his biceps, but under the giant hoodie, they saw nothing. “I don’t think I’m any taller.” Sam stood up from his chair but still felt the sweatpants pooling around his ankles. “Maybe it only works when it’s just been cooked?” Sam scratched his head perplexed on what could’ve gone wrong. Collin looked Sam’s body up and down and his eyes bulged out of his head and then a smirk grew on his face.

“Nope. It worked.” Collin nodded at the growing tent within the sweatpants. Sam looked down and saw it. His cock was getting bigger and bigger. He didn’t even feel hard and it already looked 9 inches long.

“Holy shit! That’s incredible.” Sam reached down and felt his growing dick. As he had said, he was completely soft and floppy. He jerked it around and its growth began to accelerate. He was both still growing from the spice and now getting hard as well. And it wasn’t stopping. His cock just seemed to be getting longer and wider.

“Jesus, Collin! How many poppers did you give me?” said Sam now starting to get worried as his dick was reaching Collin’s size and beyond.

“I don’t know. A decent amount? I just wanted us to make sure that we got results.” That was a lie. He put extra poppers on the plate knowing Sam wouldn’t be the wiser to how much he would grow.

“Well, it’s not stopping!” Sam’s cock was getting bigger and bigger inside those sweatpants. Collin’s own cock was lengthening under his gut. The underwear he had slipped on were doing their best to contain him, but they were fighting a losing battle. The growth finally seemed to slow down. Sam’s rock-hard cock reached down to his knee. Granted the fact that Sam was a decent bit shorter than Collin did add to how big the cock actually looked.

“That is so fucking hot.” Collin muttered in awe of the piece of meat that was sitting in front of him. Sam turned to see Collin stroking his cock under the table.

“Really?” Sam said surprised. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for the guy who would be enamored with a cock as thick as a pringles can and well over a foot long on another guy.”

“Well I’ve always been envious of other men’s size. I don’t see how that doesn’t translate to the size of your cock.” Collin grabbed Sam’s cock and gave it a tug. Sam moaned with pleasure as he felt his dick get squeezed by the big hands of his roommate.

“No.” Sam pushed Collins’s hand away. “Wait till everything is done and then,” Sam thrusted his hips forward towards Collin’s face, “It’s all yours.” Collin was practically drooling at the thought of what he’d do to his lover’s cock.

“Now that we’ve pegged the jalapeño poppers as the cock growth spice.” Sam placed the green spice next to it. “Let’s get to the next dish, chips and dip.” Sam got up from his seat at the table and grabbed the plates that Collin had made for him and brought it back to the table. Kissing his roommate on the head as he sat down next to him and started eating the chips and dip.

“So um, what’s our official title?” Collin asked with a bit more serious tone.


“Like what are we supposed to call each other?”

“You’re my big guy and I’m your soon to be big guy.” Sam emphasized his point with a big bite of the chips.

“No, I mean what is our title? Are we still roommates? Fuck buddies? Boyfriends?”

“Oh… um. I’m not sure. I hadn’t really thought about it.”

“Wel,l I’d like to call you my boyfriend. Maybe not in public yet, but it doesn’t look like we’re leaving the house anytime soon.”

Sam swallowed his bite of the chip and spoke quietly. “Well, yeah. I guess that would make sense. But I don’t know, Collin.”

“What don’t you know, Sam?”

“Everything. I put myself out on the line earlier when I told you all that stuff. I just don’t know.”

“Sam, I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”

“I don’t wanna say.” Sam stuffed a huge handful of chips into his mouth to avoid the question.

“Come on, Sam. Tell me. Do you think I’m gonna be scared off? I’m the one that already said I love you.” Sam shook his head with his full mouth. His cheeks, looking like a chipmunk that’s storing nuts for the winter. “Fine. Then you can listen to me.” Collin saw Sam begin to rise taller and taller in his seat. Collin watched as Sam’s small body began to lengthen but decided to let Sam figure it out on its own.

“Being in the closet so long, I had been denying that I had feelings for you. Even as we began to hang out more and more, I questioned my motives behind it. The straight guy in me always said “He’s a fun dude to have around and so what if he’s gay, doesn’t make him any different.” But then the smaller gay part of me always would think about all of the things that you said. “What if I walked into Sam’s room and kissed him? What if instead of sleeping alone, I could have Sam in my arms? What if every morning when I wake up, I could see those big blue eyes greet me?”“ Sam had stopped taking big handfuls and was back to taking small bite. “But I’d always tell myself that “Oh you’ve just been on a dry spell. These feelings will go away. You’re just feeling lonely tonight.” I didn’t realize that I actually had feelings for you until I was actually making out with this one girl and whenever I closed my eyes, I’d go back to when we were kissing each other freshman year.” Sam put down the chip he was about to put into his mouth and looked down into Collin’s eyes.

“Do you really mean that?”

“Of course I do. I’d lie awake at night just stuck in my own head about what I was going to do. Whether I could muster up the courage to ask you out or even admit to myself that I liked you. But I did them both yesterday at the same time. That’s why I was so hurt by what you said after I said I love you. I had just opened up all of my feelings to you and you dashed them away with a single sentence.”

“Collin,” Sam put his now huge hand on Collin’s, “I am so very sorry for saying that. I didn’t know how badly I was going to hurt you. I was just scared, and I was only thinking the moment. I didn’t think of how it could’ve affected you until after I saw how hurt you were. I’ve never been in a serious relationship before. The closest to that I’ve heard a guy say to me is ‘I like you a lot’.”

“Sammy, I just want to protect you. I care about you. I can’t imagine doing anything to hurt you. We’re gonna live our lives, but we’ll just be doing it more together. Everything that you said earlier are all things I want for us and maybe one other thing. When we play Smash Bros. loser has to bottom.” Sam smiled at Collin’s comment.

“You’re on, big guy.”

“I don’t think I’m the big guy anymore, Sam.” Sam looked perplexed on what his roommate said until he realized he was looking down at his roommate. He’d grown taller. Sam jolted up from his seat and just like Collin, hit his head on the ceiling fan. “Probably should’ve warned you about that.”

“Was I growing that whole time we were talking?”

“Yep, and with you stuffing your face to avoid my questions, you blew yourself up to taller than me.” Collin stood up next to Sam. Now eye level with Sam’s chin. The huge hoodie now fit Sam like a glove. Even riding up a little and exposing Sam’s smooth midsection. The sweatpants were too short for Sam now and feeling mighty tight on him after his growth spurt.

“Huh. So this is what it’s like being tall.”

“How’s it feel?”

“Honestly, I liked it better when you were taller.” Sam tilted his head down and gave Collin a passionate kiss. “But it is a lot easier kissing you this way than you having to pick me up.”

“Aw. I’ll miss that. I thought it was cute,” said Collin reaching for a chip.

“What’re you doing?”

“Just eating some chips. That’s all,” Collin said as he chomped down on the tiny chip.

“You realize this doesn’t count for my one part I get to grow?”

“Oh, I’m well aware.” Collin reached for a handful of chips. “I’m just establishing myself as the bigger of the two of us.” Sam watched Collin’s body lengthen and grow. The growth coming in small pulses. Each time his body bulged bigger and taller. As quick as it started, Collin’s growth tapered off. Leaving him just a little taller than Sam and his hair almost brushing the 8-foot ceiling of their house.

“You might be bigger in the height department, but you’ve got nothing on me in this department.” Sam stroked Collin’s cock through his underwear. “You’re big, but not this big.” Sam, to prove his point, pulled his cock from out of the sweatpants and shoved it into Collin’s belly. His cock head just inches under Collin’s giant pecs. Collin’s own cock wanting to be free from its cloth prison.

“We’ll see how long that lasts,” said Collin grabbing the exposed cock. “So now we’ve figured all the spices out. The burgers must be muscles. It’s the only thing on you that hasn’t grown.”

“Yeah, and the chips are in charge of height growth.”

“Well you know what all of the spices do, what do you want to do now?”

“I’ve got some ideas.”


Chapter 6: Time to Have Some Fun

“Maybe we grow your ass bigger so I can test drive my new tool,” said Sam as he continued to grind into the big man’s chest.

“I think I have a better idea.” Collin reached his arms down to the table and grabbed the green spice. He opened the container and brought it up above his face. He tapped on the container and spice rained down into his mouth. Sam looked on in horror.

“Collin! What the hell are you doing!?!”

“I’m thinking I want to be the biggest!”

“You could’ve eaten a few poppers and been the biggest. Who knows how big you’ll get with that much in your system.”

“Babe. Shh. Calm down. I know you want this too. You want to get bigger and bigger just like I do. I saw the way your old cock looked in your pants when I was growing the first time. I’m guessing you love seeing me grow and you just want more.” Collin put the green spice back on the table, trading it out for the yellow one. “Won’t you please join me?” asked Collin holding the spice up to Sam. Sam knew the truth, he wanted to be bigger just like Collin did. But there was some part of him that didn’t want to go into freakish territory.

“But what about being normal? What about going outside?”

“What normal? With the way things are going, the country is going down and quarantine isn’t being lifted any time soon. Come on. Please?” Collin shot Sam that puppy dog face. It worked even better when it was blown up on that huge body. Sam gave into his cravings. He grabbed the spice and sprinkled some into his mouth. “Good. Now grow that fat ass for this cock.”

As the words left his mouth, Collin’s growth had already started. While Sam put back the spice, Collin’s dick surged. His boxers finally lost the battle and ripped off of him with a loud “RIIIIIIP” exposing the beast. It grew up his belly leaving a trail of pre as it lengthened. Collin gripped his dick and began pumping it, feeling the skin beneath him stretch out for more room to grow. He was elated when his dick came into view when he pushed it forward. It had grown beyond his vast expanse of a belly and was able to be seen beyond his dense pec shelf. The mushroom-like head looked to be the same size as a coconut.

Sam was feeling his own transformation coming on. His sweatpants began to feel as if they were strangling his ass and hips. He looked behind him to see his ass was getting to pumpkin proportions. He tried as he might to get them off, but it was too late. They were far too tight to shimmy down his lower body. He began to hear faint tearing sounds coming from the pants as his ass ballooned outward. He knew that the only way he was getting out of these pants was if he grew out of them. He flexed his ass cheeks and there was another loud “RIIIIIIP” as the sweatpants formed large tears around the giant butt.

The loud sound broke Collin’s attention from his own growth and drew his attention to his roommate’s. “Damn, Sammy. Turn around and bring that ass over here. Let me get a good look at it.” Sam smiled and gladly obliged. He swiveled his body around and arched his back to stick his ass out even more. “Wow. Are you heading to a birthday party? Cause there’s no good reason you should be carrying around all of this cake if you’re not,” said Collin as he grabbed each cheek. His hands didn’t even grab half of one cheek they were so big. “You even look good enough to eat.” Collin ripped the rest of the pants off Sam, leaned down and began eating Sam’s ass.

Sam felt his roommate’s tongue meet his hole and instantly started leaking pre like a faucet. “Collin. I don’t think we’re done growing. I can still feel my ass filling up and my hips widening with each lick of your toOOooOOoongue,” yelped Sam. The feeling of Collin’s expert tongue combined with his ass reaching beachball proportions put Sam in a state of euphoria.

“It feels great on this end too,” said Collin, coming up for air. “The feeling of your ass squishing my head between your cheeks is so hot. I feel like your ass is one big black hole that can take anything. In fact…” Collin stood back up to his full height. “Lay down on the table.”

Sam knew what was coming and he was excited for it. He turned around and sat down on the table. He pushed the food to the side to make room for his globe sized cheeks. He tried to position himself so that his ass was facing Collin, but Collin stopped him. “No baby. Let me.” Collin reached for a burger and popped it into his mouth and swallowed it in one bite.

“Collin. You’re not gonna be able to walk through doors if you keep eatin—” Sam was cut off when Collin planted a kiss on Sam’s lips.

“You talk too much.” Collin reached for a popper and shoved it into Sam’s mouth.

“Collin! My cock! I can’t let it—” Sam was cutoff when Collin stuffed another one into Sam’s mouth.

“Shh. Babe I have a plan for all of this. Now will you stop worrying and trust me?” Sam looked into Collin’s eyes. Despite him growing into a muscular behemoth with a hyper cock to match, he still was as cute as ever. Sam couldn’t resist that smile.

“Okay. I trust you,” said Sam as he handed his beefy lover another burger. Collin grabbed it and inhaled it like a vacuum. He returned the favor by handing Sam more poppers. Sam ate all of them as Collin’s muscles began to bulge and strengthen. Sam’s cock began to lengthen as well, pulsing upwards until it hit Sam’s chin.

“Perfect. We’re ready.” Collin grabbed Sam’s legs and hoisted them up into the air, exposing Sam’s hungry hole. He then backed away from Sam, positioning his dick so that it would slide in. He began to shove his dick into Sam slowly. With Sam’s ass being huge, Collin lost several inches just getting in between Sam’s fat cheeks. But once his head went into Sam’s hole, Sam yelled in pain. Collin instantly regretted his decision and began to pull out.

“No,” said Sam breathing heavily. “Give me a moment with it.” The two sat there with Collin’s engorged head in Sam’s asshole. “Okay. You can keep going now.” Collin nodded and started pushing his cock further into Sam’s body. Luckily because the head was by far the thickest part, Sam was ready for the rest.

Collin stopped at what felt like about halfway down his shaft. He looked down to see that there was still a good foot and a half to go before he got to the base. “Are you okay? I don’t want to hurt you Sam. This is already the best feeling my cock has ever had. We don’t have to go any further.”

“Collin, the worst is behind me. I want to see what all of you is going to be like. Keep going.” Sam said in a commanding tone.

“Sir yes sir.” Collin began again to drive his dick into Sam’s asshole. This time drilling through Sam’s cheeks faster. Sam began to moan in pain and pleasure as Collin’s dick reached untouched territory with still about a foot of dick left. Sam’s hole was being stretched out to its absolute limits as it felt like he was shoving an 18-wheeler up his ass, but still Collin pushed on.

Finally, Collin’s balls hit Sam’s massive ass cheeks with a slap. All of Collin’s monstrous cock was inside Sam. Sam looked up and saw that the dick could be seen from the front. The cock head was making a small but noticeable indent on his stomach.

“Holy shit.” Collin was put into a state of sexual bliss like he had never experienced. He then began the process of thrusting. At first slowly to get Sam used to the new sensation, but he began to pick up more speed and slammed back into Sam with more force. Collin became a sex beast. Grunting and moaning as he bred Sam’s hole. Occasionally grabbing the cheeks and spanking him.

Sam himself was feeling euphoric. His lover’s cock was rearranging his insides like he had never felt before and he was loving every second of it. His own giant cock was sticking straight up in the air. Arching down towards Sam’s face. Collin took notice of this and decided to put his plan into action.

He stopped thrusting for a moment and put one of his massive hands behind Sam. He hoisted Sam up with one hand. His biceps looked bigger than Sam’s old waist so it was no wonder why he could pick him up so effortlessly. He maneuvered Sam so that he was sitting upright on his dick and Sam’s dick was pushed into his pecs. The valley between the pecs could fit a whole deck of cards in, but Collin wanted something else inside. He grabbed Sam’s throbbing erection with his free hand and shoved it in between the giant slabs of meat. He craned his neck down and tried to fit his lover’s cock in his mouth. But due to Sam’s cock growth, all that Collin could fit inside was Sam’s massive head. Once he got comfortable with the cock in front of him, he got into a rhythm of sucking, flexing and jerking Sam’s cock. All the while he kept his thrusting up into Sam’s hole with his own dick.

All of this sensation was sending Sam into brand new realms of sexual pleasure that he did not think were possible. He was pec fucking the biggest set of pecs the world had ever seen. Each of them looked like the size of pillows. And being sucked off by a generous mouth that was taking in every bit of his cock head that was exposed above the mighty pecs. And to top it all off, he was being used as a human flesh light on his amazing roommate’s yardstick schlong.

It all became too much for Sam and with a loud cry, he began shooting volley after volley into Collin’s mouth. He tried to swallow as much cum as he could, but there would be the occasional leak of cum from his mouth. It felt like there was no end to Sam’s orgasm. Each time it felt like he was about to stop cumming, another load hit the back of Collin’s throat. After about two minutes of nonstop shooting, the pace of the shots began to slow, and the globs began to shrink down until Collin finally popped Sam’s cock out of his mouth, clean as a whistle.

“Damn baby—uurrpp—you sure can cum a lot and you taste magnificent,” said Collin, picking Sam off of his dick enough to plant a wet kiss on his lips only to slam him back down to the base of his cock. “If that was the size of your load, I can’t wait to see how long I’ll be filling your guts for.” Sam’s cock started to twitch with life at the thought of Collin filling him up with all of his cum.

Collin went back to thrusting his monolithic cock into Sam. Now that Collin wasn’t holding onto Sam’s cock, he grabbed Sam’s body with both hands and began violently slamming him down onto his dick like he was a human sized sex toy. Watching Sam’s torso as every time he’d bring the body back down onto his cock, you could see his stomach bulge out more and more. He could even see a little bulge in the stomach from the pre that was pooling in him.

After Sam’s orgasm, he was brought back to reality with Collin’s violent fucking of his hole. He knew he was more useful than some sex toy. He reached out his hands and grabbed onto Collin’s nipples. Squeezing them, pinching them, and doing everything in his power to stimulate them. Collin threw his head back with a moan at the new charge of his nipples being tugged at. Sam knew what was cumming next. He started flexing his cheeks and strangling the part of the cock that was stuck in between the base and his hole. Milking Collin’s cock to the best of his ability.

And with that, the dam finally gave way and Sam felt his insides being flooded with cum. It was like a water gun shooting into Sam’s stomach. Each shot could be felt in Sam’s chest. Collin shot load after load into Sam until he saw his once flat belly begin expanding out. He felt like a water balloon and Collin’s dick was the hose filling him up with jizz. Collin’s load seemed endless. Sam’s belly was beginning to look like he had swallowed a cantaloupe whole and that cantaloupe was quickly becoming a watermelon.

After what felt like an eternity long orgasm, Collin’s faucet of cum was being turned off and the cock began to deflate within Sam. He set Sam’s body back on the table and pulled his cock and it was like popping the champagne bottle. A torrent of Collin’s jizz began pouring out of Sam’s ass and onto the dining room floor.

“Fuck, Collin.” Sam tried to close his ass up, but after it was stretched to the max by Collin’s cock, there was no way he could.

“I can see that. You got a bun in the oven baby?” said Collin pressing down on Sam’s belly. Making more cum shoot from his guts onto the floor.

“You wish. I feel like I just drank a full keg of beer up my ass. I’m so damn full.” Sam sat up on the table, putting a lid on his hole. Collin laughed at Sam’s comment.

“But instead of beer belly, you got yourself cum gut.” Collin sat down next to his roommate on the dining room table. He kissed Sam on his cheek and put his arm around him.

“I now understand what you were planning, and I must say I have to correct myself from what I said earlier today. This was the best sex I’ve ever had, hands down. Your big meaty pecs are a great sex toy.” Sam grabbed one of Collin’s pecs and shook it. Collin bounced it at the touch of Sam’s hand.

“We’ll have to grow you a pair of muscle tits so that I can try.” Collin looked at his roommate. He had grown in every department except the muscles.

“Well don’t forget. I still have my growth coupon, remember?” Sam referenced the agreement they made when they first started growing Sam. “But I don’t think I’ll claim it anytime soon with our current size. Now we’ve gotta worry about how we’re gonna get groceries.”

“Sammy, baby, we can worry about that later. Right now I want to enjoy my tall, well-endowed, fat assed roommate.” Collin said as he brought Sam closer to him.

“You mean boyfriend.” Collin looked over at Sam and his smile grew bigger than Sam thought possible.

“You mean it?” Collin sounded like a kid on Christmas morning and Santa had gotten him the perfect gift for him.

“Yes, I mean it. You are my boyfriend. You vanished any thought in my mind about us being just roommates or fuck buddies. I do want to be more with you Collin.” Sam leaned over and kissed Collin on the cheek. “Besides, it’s not like I can get with anyone else. We’re in quarantine.”

“Fair enough. Now I just want to stay home, play video games, and sleep with my big boyfriend,” said Collin as he pulled Sam into a loving embrace.


Chapter 7: Measuring Up

The two sat on the dining room table for a while. Enjoying each other’s company in the afterglow of their passionate sex endeavor. Sam was thrusted back to reality when he felt the cum that Collin had dumped in him was looking to escape his insides. “Hey babe. This has been great and all, but I think I need to go take care of myself in the restroom,” said Sam.

“Huh?” Collin looked down at the pooling liquid on the table. “Oh, of course babe. I’ll start cleaning up the mess we made. You go take care of that.” Collin kissed Sam on the forehead and stood up from the table. It was weird feeling the new weight of his muscles. In the heat of the moment with Sam, he hadn’t noticed how much weight he had put on. He put any bodybuilder to shame without even flexing.

“Thank you. I’ll be right back.” Sam sat up from the table and ran to his room as fast as he could. His soft cock slapping his inner thigh with each footstep and leaving a small trail of jizz that was leaking out as he waddled away. He did come to a bit of an obstacle when he got to the door and he almost got stuck. His ass and hips had gotten so wide that he could barely fit through the narrow door frame. Collin watched as his boyfriend waddled through the door. Watching that ass sway side to side and wiggle as he squeezed through. He felt his cock stir a little bit from the show in front of him but turned his focus to cleaning.

He maneuvered his way to the kitchen to get paper towels to clean up the spilled cum. He learned that as fun as being huge is, it came at a price. Collin tried his best to grab all of the cleaning supplies underneath the sink, but his range of motion was far less than what it had been. For one, he couldn’t bend his arms properly as his biceps were the size of over inflated basketballs. Also with his shoulder width being almost as wide as a full-sized bed, reaching into a cabinet to grab something was extremely difficult.

After a few minutes of twisting and turning trying to get out all of the supplies, Collin ran into a different problem. He couldn’t clean the floors easily. He tried his very best to get down on the ground and clean but ran into similar problems. He could only clean one spot of the floor at a time. His massive pecs hindered his vision a great amount, so he was blind to what he was doing.

To his best knowledge, the floor had been cleared of all his jizz that had spilled. He threw away all of the paper towels and put the remaining food that was out in the fridge. He sat down on their three-person couch that he took up about two thirds of without and started absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. His once large iPhone X+ now felt miniature in his palm. As he scrolled through his timeline, there was nothing really interesting happening. Mostly everyone complaining about 4th of July being cancelled thanks to COVID-19. He’d occasionally snap a pic and send it to some friends.

He got bored with all of his socials, so he thought about those spices that got him into this mess. ‘Sam had never really gotten to read up on them before. Maybe I could do some digging.’ He searched them up on his phone but got little results. He scrolled through Google looking for any sort of website. According to Sam, he found the website fairly quickly. But Collin wasn’t having such luck.

Annoyed, Collin got up from the sofa and went to grab the spice and find this website. He scooped one of them up with his hand and tried to read the label. There was nothing on the label besides the brand. No company name, no nutrition facts, no nothing. Just “Spice Up Your Life”. He had typed the brand in right, but no spice company was coming up. It was at that moment, Sam walked out of the bathroom.

“Hey, what was the website that you found earlier for the spices? I’m looking on Google and nothing is coming up,” asked Collin.

“I think it was just the spice website. There were a whole lot of big naked dudes on the website. Now I realize why,” said Sam as he waddled into the living room and sat in the now too small chair. His ass cheeks spilling out of it as he sat.

“There is nothing coming up. I’ve tried every possible outlet. Can you pull up your history?”

“Sure.” Sam did as he was asked and started scrolling through his recent history on his phone. He looked at it and nothing was there from earlier that day. He went into his open tabs in the browser and nothing was there either. Sam then took to Twitter and Facebook. Sometimes these companies had pages about them on those platforms, but no results there either. “Huh. That’s odd. Looks like it had been scrubbed from the internet entirely.”

“Hmm, very peculiar,” said Collin as he stroked his chin pondering. He went back to the living room and sat on the sofa. “Sounds like we’ve got a mystery on our hands.”

“Calm down Freddy. The website’s probably just getting updated or there’s maintenance being done or something like that. Besides, why look a gift horse in the mouth?”

“I guess you’re right. I won’t question all of this.” Collin began popping his giant pecs from side to side while he struck a double bicep pose with his arms.

“Damn. You really got big with that last session babe. How big do you think you are?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t really care. I just know I’m big and that’s all that matters to me.” Collin kissed his bicep in appreciation.

“Well I only ask because a thought occurred while I was showering. How are we gonna get food? All of the food I just bought for us is now contaminated with the spice. Not that we can’t eat that later, but we can’t be growing every time we want a little snack.”

“We could always get it delivered. That way we don’t have to leave the house and with everyone adapting cause of COVID, there’s plenty of systems we can use.”

“Yeah but that’s not a long-term solution. That will work for the time being, but what happens when they stop doing so much delivery services?


“What happens when we need something delivered but it can’t be?”


“What happens when school starts back up in the fall?”


“Also those delivery charges rack up quickly and I was expecting to be compensated for all of this food I made, but then our friends were jerks and now I’m stuck with the bill.”

“Sam! You’re doing it again! Calm down for just a second. Let’s focus on the problem at hand.” Sam took a deep breath and stopped talking to cool himself down. He got up from the chair and went to sit next to his titanic boyfriend. Collin reached out and put one arm around him. “First problem. Groceries. I’ll pay for the delivery fees. I’m still getting unemployment benefits so I think I can afford it for a little bit, but those will end soon. After that, I think we’ll need to find something for you to wear out in public.”

“Wait, you want me going out in public?” shot back Sam.

“Well yeah. One, I’m still at high risk. Just because I got huge, I don’t think I gained a better immune system. Two, you’re the one who insists on going out in the first place. And three, I think it’ll be harder to find clothes to cover all of this.” Collin motioned to his hulking form.

“Uh think again Collin. I’m pretty sure that we could find some giant tank top or t-shirt that could fit your chest and some sweatpants that could cover up your cock. Unlike me, you’re a grower not a shower so your dick is easier to hide. Also, I have to worry about the front and the back of my pants. It’s gonna be impossible to find pants that can fit both my ass and my dick in. Your size is spread out over your body while all of mine is on my lower half. And another thing, I think your lungs have gotten a lot better due to the fact that your torso has quadrupled in size.”

“That may be true, but how are we gonna get clothes? I don’t think clothing stores sell in our sizes.”

“Babe the internet exists. We’ll just order the biggest sizes we can find and if they’re too small, we can make some alterations and if they’re too big we can grow into them.” Collin sighed in defeat to Sam’s argument. Crossing his arms over his giant pecs.

“Fine. We’ll order some later. But first, let’s take some measurements. I wanna get as close as I can with these sizes.” Collin got up from the couch and trotted into the kitchen to grab a tape measure. “I wanna know how big these clothes are gonna need to be. Do me first.” Sam took the tape measure from the behemoth and circled him.

“Hmm I don’t know. If I’m gonna do you, we might need to grow that ass bigger to take all of this.”

“Haha,” said Collin in a flat tone. “Just come measure me.” Sam sauntered over from the living room.

“You sure babe? Maybe we grow your ass now so I can have a turn to top and we measure after that.” Sam started grinding his groin on Collin’s ass cheeks, feeling his cock begin to chub up.

“Sammy there will be plenty of time for that in the future. Measure now. Sex later.”

“You’re no fun.” Sam removed his dick from his giant lover. “Stand up against the wall.” Collin did as he was told and stood with his back on the wall. His hair just narrowly grazing the ceiling above him. Sam brought the top part of the tape measure to his boyfriend’s head. “Hold this.” Collin took the end and Sam glided it down the wall.

“So how tall is the tallest man in the world?”

“Well I wouldn’t say you’re the tallest, but definitely in the top 1%. 94 inches tall or 7 feet and 10 inches. We’ll break that record eventually. I guarantee it.” Sam stood back up and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. He walked over to the table and grabbed his journal. Flipping to a new page and wrote down Collin’s height. “Just so we can keep track of everything. Now your arms.” Collin brought up his bicep and flexed. Sam quickly wrapped the tape around his bulging arm and jotted down the number.

“Don’t keep me waiting. How big is it?”

“42 inches.”

“Wow. I’m fucking huge. I mean it’s one thing to see how big I am. It’s another to know it and hear those numbers.” Collin flexed his bicep harder and the tape measure moved to accommodate the new jump in size.

“Make that 43. Growing all the time, babe.” Sam moved the tape measure down his arm to his forearms. “And these are 22 inches. Damn. That’s bigger than my bicep.” Collin smirked at the thought of him being so much bigger than his boyfriend. He could feel his rod filling up ever so slightly as Sam read off the numbers.

“Damn right. Now move to these shoulders. Tell me how wide I am.”

“Your wish is my command.” Sam unwrapped the tape measure from Collin’s arm and moved it to his shoulders. Sam through the tape over Collin’s head like a lasso and brought it together on Collin’s pecs. “Your shoulders are 144 inches.”

“Shit. I am wider than my bed. Definitely wider than any door frame in this house.”

“Now raise your arms. Let me see just how big your chest is.” Collin raised his arms so that Sam could move the tape to measure the torso.

“Your chest is 120 inches around. No wonder my cock could fit in that valley. Your chesticles are ginormous.” Collin bounced his pecs from side to side to emphasize this.

“What can I say? When you got ‘em, flaunt ‘em.” Sam drooled over the two titans dancing in front of him.

“You sure as hell got ’em babe.” Sam straightened back up and regained his composure. “I wanna know how big that gut of yours is.” He moved the tape measure down again and let out some space for the sphere of a belly. “Your belly is 105 inches around. Just a bit under your chest.” Sam patted the beach ball of a belly. “And I’ll be damned if I don’t enjoy every inch of it.” Sam leaned down and gave the round orb a peck.

“You and this belly. I don’t get it,” said Collin unamused.

“You’ll understand when I get one. For now just enjoy the belly rubs,” said Sam as his fingers twirled in little circles across his lover’s skin.

“Not gonna lie, that does feel nice.” Collin’s python continued to swell as Sam continued to massage his expanse of a belly.

“Let me get under this belly and get your waist.” Sam pushed his hands under his boyfriend’s belly and to where his hips were. “Huh. Seems like you haven’t gained much in the actual waist department. Only 40 inches.”

“Hmm interesting. My waist was only 32 before the transformation. Guess hips aren’t affected that much by the spices.”

“Doubtful. Without my hips, I couldn’t have taken all of that cock. It must be with the yellow spice which makes sense. You haven’t had any so your hips didn’t grow significantly like mine.” Sam flipped back to the spice page in his journal and wrote down that little trinket of knowledge.

“I can’t wait to measure you and see how wide those hips are and how fat that ass is on you. Kim K got nothing on you Sammy.” Sam blushed at his boyfriend’s compliment.

“Speaking of ass, I doubt yours has grown that much, but I’m measuring it anyways.” He shimmied the tape measure lower to the seat of Collin’s butt. “48 inches. You definitely got a bubble butt that can put most white girls to shame.”

“That doesn’t sound that big. And white girls can have butts.”

“It’s plenty big babe. And most of their butts are flatter than warm beer. They just like to think it’s huge. You however got some cake.”

“Well if I’m a birthday cake, you’re a damn wedding cake. Hurry up so I can measure you.”

“Okay. Okay. Just a few more to go.” Sam let go of the end of the tape. Grabbing it, he tightened it around Collin’s quads. “66-inch quads. That’s probably bigger than my old torso size.” Collin again smirked at the size difference between him and his much thinner boyfriend.

“Probably still is bigger than your torso babe.” Collin flexed his legs. His cock bobbing up and down in the process.

“Down boy. I’ll get to that in a second.” Sam stood up and immediately latched onto Collin’s nipple. Sucking like his life depended on it.

“Sam! What are you doooooooing?!?” Collin threw his head back in a moan when Sam reached over to Collin’s other pec and started playing with the nipple. Collin’s cock started to inflate below them. Quickly surging to its full mass.

“Just seeing how big my big man really is.” Sam released Collin’s nipples and went down to the base of his cock. He stretched the tape across the full length. “Your hard cock is 38 inches long.” Collin shuddered at the number Sam read out. A glob of pre escaping the slit and landing on the floor with a loud splat. Never in his wildest dreams did he think could have a cock that’s over a yard long. Sam went down beneath Collin’s cock and grabbed his ball. “Each ball is about 10 inches around and the size of an orange.”

“Fuck babe. Please don’t tell me you just did that to get the measurement?”

“I’m not that cruel Collin.” Sam stood back up and licked up the pre that had been leaking out of the cock. He began sucking and jacking off the engorged dick in front of him. He pulled the tape measure around the girthy monster. “Last ones. Your girth is 15 inches.” Sam moved the tape up to the head. “Your head is 17 inches around. You really do have a mushroom dick.” After Sam got the final measurement, he dropped the tape measure and put his whole body into pleasing Collin.

“I’m the biggest man in the world and I only want to get bigger.” Collin’s hands joined Sam’s in jerking off his pole.

“The sky’s the limit baby. I can’t wait for it to pass five feet long.” Another shot of pre spewed out of Collin’s dick and into Sam’s mouth.

“Sam, keep doing that. Tell me how big I’m gonna be. Tell me about your giant boyfriend” Sam broke from his dick.

“You’re gonna get so fucking big Collin. I can see it now. Your dick is just gonna keep getting bigger. Pretty soon it’ll be taller than you. Your cock head will burst through the ceiling before your real head does.” It was working. Collin was moaning louder and louder and his hips were gyrating with the motion of their hands.

“Keep going.”

“Your muscles are gonna be too big for you to move around with. You’ll be completely immobile.”

“So fucking close.”

“You’re gonna be taller than this house. Growing out of it easily and then continuing to grow upwards. Growing above buildings, skyscrapers, and even getting to the point where you can look down and see the clouds below you.”

“I’m gonna be the biggest thing on the god damn planet!” And with that, another torrent of jizz shot from Collin’s cock. Sam eagerly reattached himself to the slit and started sucking down cum like he hadn’t drunk in days. His throat easily took in every last drop that Collin had in store for him. Collin just moaned in ecstasy as Sam sucked more and more on his sensitive head.

Slowly but surely, the shots became less frequent and Sam released Collin’s dick from his maw of a mouth. “Slimy yet satisfying.” Sam licked his lips of any remains that might have leaked out of his mouth. He patted his stomach which seems to have bulged out even more from his last feeding. Collin looked down at his lover’s bulging midsection.

“Now that you mention it, I do think the belly looks good on you. Especially knowing that I’m the one that is filling you up like my little cum balloon.” Collin rubbed the cum gut on his boyfriend and smiled.

“I knew you’d come around. And I lied, we have one more measurement to take.” Sam reached down and grabbed the tape measure. He put it up to Collin’s deflated schlong and measured. “Your soft cock is only 18 inches long and 9 inches around. You’re definitely a grower. Not a shower.”

“That’s no secret though. I’ve grown the most by far.” Collin brought his boyfriend up to his lips and kissed him. “Your turn.” He grabbed the tape measure from Sam’s hand and positioned him on the wall. “Hold that.” Sam held the tape measure up to his head as Collin went down. “92 inches, which is…”

“7 feet and 8 inches.”

“I was getting there. Don’t rush me.” Collin stood back up. “I don’t think we are gonna need to do as much with you as me since you stayed the same in the muscle department. There’s only two places I wanna check.” Collin wrapped the tape measure around Sam’s bicep. “Flex for me baby.” Sam flexed as hard as he could and Collin called out, “19 inches. Turns out my forearms are bigger than your biceps.”

“Happy now?”

“Very.” Collin smirked. He unwrapped the tape from Sam’s arm and pulled it around Sam’s torso. “60 inches. My quads are bigger than your torso babe.”

“Not all of it. Measure this belly and then see if you can say that.” Collin did as he was told and moved the tape measure down to his gut.

“90 inches. Must be twins.”

“Now try and say your quads are bigger than my torso.”

“Yeah yeah yeah. Let’s just get to the important part.” Collin pushed the gut aside and measured Sam’s waist.

“Wow babe. Your waist blew up. 70 inches around.” Collin let out slack on the tape to accommodate the giant ass. “Holy shit.”

“How big?”

“I can’t believe it.”

“What 80 inches? 90?”

“Sam, your ass is 110 inches around.” Sam’s jaw dropped and his cock shot out.

“You’re telling me that my ass is bigger than your monster gut.”


“And almost bigger than your pecs?”


“No wonder I could take all of your dick. I’m fucking huge.” Sam flexed his glutes. Bouncing them up and down. It was Collin’s turn to drool as he watched each cheek vibrate with motion. Watching the ripples go across the jiggling ass.

“Fuck babe. You’re gonna get me hard again just looking at you.”

“Well it’s time for someone to return the favor.” Sam motioned toward his hard cock. Collin grabbed the tape measure and started measuring.

“31 inches hard. I’m still the biggest.” He leaned down with a smirk on his face and measured the balls. “And 8-inch balls. Not as impressive, but still pretty big. They’re like baseballs.”

“Fuck. I might not be as big as you, but I’m still huge.” He started to jerk his cock.

“Damn right babe. But you’re not gonna beat me, little guy.” Collin wrapped the tape measure around the girth. “You’re 12 inches wide.” Collin started to tighten the tape on the cock head. “And now those balls underneath are gonna fill up nice and full.” Collin started jacking Sam’s python off with his free hand while the other continued to strangle it with the tape measure.

“Collin. What’re you doing?” Sam panted as his boyfriend suffocated his dick.

“Just giving you what you want.” Collin released his hand from the dick and brought it to Sam’s ass. He started to squeeze and slap the cheeks. His hand barely even came close to holding half of it. Sam began to moan deeper and deeper as Collin pushed Sam’s cock into his chest and flexed. Collin’s hand made its way into Sam’s asshole and started fingering it. Sadly, since Sam had just been filled up with a cock as big as Collin’s, fingering turned to fisting very quickly.

“Collin, baby, I need to cum. It’s all too much.” Collin looked down and saw Sam’s purple cock head.

“You can hold it for longer.” Collin tightened the tape again with his fist. Sam moaned in both pain and pleasure. He could feel all of his pent up jizz sloshing around in his balls. It was begging for release. He couldn’t take it anymore.

“Collin! Let go! It’s coming now!” Collin pulled his hand out of Sam and latched onto the cock.

“You will not cum,” said Collin in a commanding tone. “You will not leak even a drop of cum until I tell you. Nod if you understand.” Sam’s red face was starting to sweat, but he reluctantly nodded. “Good boy.” Collin kissed Sam on the lips with passion. “I guarantee you’ll love the end results.” Collin moved his mouth to Sam’s ear and started nibbling on his ear lobe. Sam’s eyes rolled back into his head. Just like Collin’s sweet spot were his nipples, Sam’s were his ears. His balls expanded below them with more cum. They were probably bigger than Collin’s at this point.

Collin reached down and started playing with them. The sack overflowed his giant mitt of a hand. There was plenty of cum being made in there. Collin grinned as he continued to nibble on his boyfriend’s ear. Flexing his pecs in order to squeeze the cock between it. Bringing his hand back up to Sam’s own cock and jerking it off with his pecs.

Collin backed his mouth off of Sam’s ear and whispered, “Ok. I’m about to let go now. When I do, you’re going to cum as much as possible. I don’t want you to stop until every last drop is out of those balls. Nod if you understand.” Sam nodded to his giant boyfriend. “Go” Collin latched his mouth onto Sam’s slit and let go of the tape measure.

The flood gates were open, and Sam sighed with relief. All of the pressure released from his balls and into Collin’s welcoming mouth. Collin gulped and gulped down each shot that Sam put inside him. His belly was expanding below them. Even though it was far bigger from his pudding snack, it inched forward into Sam’s own belly. The stream of cum seemed endless and Sam emptied every bit of cum that was in his overinflated balls. Collin continued to massage his lover’s balls and help produce even more cum than there already was.

After probably 10 minutes of Sam cumming, his balls were finally empty. Collin lifted his head off of the cock and let out a long and loud belch. “Woooo baby. That was fantastic. I don’t think I’m gonna need to eat for a week,” said Collin as he satisfyingly rubbed his engorged stomach. Sam panted from exhaustion next to him.

“That was the most cum anyone has ever cum in history. I feel absolutely drained.”

“Hold that thought real quick babe.” Collin leaned over and picked up the tape measure and held it to Sam’s soft cock. “25 inches soft. You weren’t kidding when you said you were a shower.” Collin poked at the long cock that swung down to past Sam’s knees.

“But I don’t think I’ll cum for another week with how you just treated my dick.” Sam walked into the living room and plopped his fat ass on the couch. Collin walked over to sit beside him. Feeling the heft of his larger midsection as he walked.

“Oh come on babe. You loved it. And I know you love this.” Collin gestured his cum gut into his lover’s face. Sam mustered up a smile at the goofball.

“Yes. You know I do. I just don’t have a lot of those in me.” Sam patted the globe of a stomach right in front of him. “Also we can’t get into a habit of taking each other’s cum. If we do, we’re gonna look like the Goodyear blimp in less than a week.”

“I can agree to that, but next time, I’m pumping you up.”

“Deal. But till then, I’m tired. Wanna go to bed babe?”

“Sure. We’ve had a long day.” Collin picked up his tiny boyfriend in his hulking arms and tried to carry him to his bedroom but encountered a problem. “Uh Sam? I think we’re gonna have to expand these doorways.”

“Later. Just lay me on the couch. I’ll just sleep there for tonight.” Collin laid Sam’s exhausted body on the couch.

“All right sweet dreams baby.” Collin kissed him on the forehead and laid down next to him on the floor.

“Are you really gonna sleep on the floor?”

“Where else can I sleep? I’m too big for the doors and even if I could get in, I wouldn’t fit in my bed.” Sam pouted down at his boyfriend.

“Well the least I can do is be your big cuddle buddy.” Sam got up and started pulling all of the cushions off the couch and the chairs. Collin got up and Sam threw them all down on the floor. He also grabbed a few blankets for the two of them. Most were far too short for their tall bodies, but they could at least get some warmth. “It’s not perfect, but it’ll have to do.”

“We’ll make it work,” said Collin as he laid down on the improvised bed. “Now come ‘ere. I wanna cuddle with my new boyfriend.” Sam smiled and hopped onto Collin. He was so wide now that Sam just used him as a bed and his pecs as pillows. Rubbing the newly grown gut below him. Feeling all of the jizz slosh with every slight movement.

“Night, Collin,” said Sam as he laid his head on his boyfriend’s pecs.

“Night, Sam.” And with that, the pair dozed off in each other’s arms.


Chapter 8: The New Normal

For the next few weeks, the two roommates enjoyed their new size. Both now well over 7 feet tall, doors were very hard for them to maneuver through. For Sam, it was a bit easier. He could just bend his torso forward and shimmy his ass through the doorway with minimal trouble. Collin, on the other hand, had some issues. His torso was too wide that he didn’t even come close to fitting through the doorway facing forward. He was forced to turn to the side, but then his pecs and gut presented another problem. If he had stayed his original height, he wouldn’t have an issue. But when he tried to squat forward, his pec shelf and stomach would hit one side of the door and his ass would hit the other. This also was worsened by whenever he was full of cum, his belly would be much bigger and therefore harder to side step with. He would twist and turn until he managed to finally burst out of the door on the other side. He’d grunt at the thought of doing that again when he went back through, but the pair found a way to limit that.

Their makeshift bed was not as comfortable as the pair had hoped so they decided to move their beds into the living room to give them space to sleep. Both of them had full sized beds, which Collin couldn’t fit in, let alone when the two of them wanted to cuddle. They moved the living room furniture out so that they could put both of their full mattresses together. This way they both had a place for cuddling and sex. Switching around all the furniture wasn’t hard for the two giants, especially when Sam ate a few burgers to help boost his strength. He was nowhere near Collin’s level, but he gained some size that made him look like he regularly lifted weights.

The two were happy for the next month. They played video games, watched movies, grew each other just a little bit, and of course, had plenty of sex. Each of their bellies also shrank over time as cum left their system. Collin’s stayed big from the pudding he’d consumed, but the two would occasionally take each other’s loads and bloat up for a couple of days. They were in paradise. But that all came to an end when they couldn’t continue to pay for the constant grocery deliveries.

“Collin, we can’t keep eating like this. Our bank accounts can’t handle it. We have to either eat less or start going to get our own food,” said Sam while he was looking at his credit card bill.

“But we can’t help it. These bodies we have need a lot of food to keep them going. There’s no way we can give food up,” said Collin as he pouted his lips at Sam.

“I agree, but you know what that means babe.”

“No, please Sam. I can’t. I’ll look like a fool.” Collin pleaded with his boyfriend. Sam walked over to a bunch of unopened packages.

“Hey, you grew my ass too big so that I won’t fit into normal pants ever again. This will be your punishment.” Sam said with a sly smile on his face. Collin groaned in defeat. He knew the day would come when he’d have to go back outside, but he didn’t want it to come so soon. “Let’s start with shirts.”

The shirts were pretty simple to fit on Collin. They looked more like a crop top and exposed a great deal of his belly. His pecs however, looked incredible stuffed into that little piece of fabric. You could see every movement, every flex, every twitch of his big juicy pecs in the t-shirt. If Sam didn’t ogle Collin’s pecs before, he did now.

“Fuck babe. That shirt makes you bulge in all the right places,” said Sam as he flicked his boyfriend’s hard nipple.

“I don’t think I’m allowed in public like this.” Collin hoisted his belly up that was fully on display. “Actually, I don’t think I’ll allow myself in public like this.”

“You’re fine. It’s a Tuesday night during the summer. No one will be there.” Collin rolled his eyes at his boyfriend’s attempt at logic. “Now pants.”

Collin thought about trying on the underwear they’d bought, but that would be a lost cause considering his balls would easily overflow the pouch. Moving to the pants, he didn’t have a problem with the length or the width. His thighs fit pretty well into them. He did have a problem when the bulge he was showing went down past his knees. Even soft, he left nothing to the imagination.

“Hmm. You look good in them, but everybody will definitely see your dick.” Sam thought on how they could possibly hide the monster schlong. They tried snaking it down one pant leg, too obvious. They tried pushing it through his legs toward his butt, too uncomfortable. They eventually settled on wrapping it around Collin’s body like a belt. He then ran into the living room and grabbed a giant blanket. Ran back to Collin with the blanket and a stapler. He started to staple the blanket to the shirt and have it drape down over his belly and hide his cock underneath it.

Sam took a step back and looked at his hulking boyfriend. He looked absolutely comical. Like a full-sized man stuffed into children’s clothes. “You look incredible babe,” said Sam with a slight giggle.

“I feel ridiculous,” said Collin annoyed.

“Don’t worry. When you go to the store, you can get enough food for a few weeks, and we won’t have to do this again for a while.”

“You’re enjoying all of this, aren’t you.” stated Collin flatly.

“Just a little bit. I have to say, your pecs squeezed into that shirt looks incredible,” said Sam as he glided his hand across the expanse of Collin’s chest.

“Oh yeah?” Collin bounced his pecs for Sam and the collar nearly ripped from the strain it put on the shirt.

“And the fact that I could easily play with your nipples and that cock of yours would hulk out of your pants is very hot,” Sam whispered into Collin’s ear. Collin felt said cock starting to stir.

“No Sam. We can’t do this. It took too much effort to get into these clothes. If we get hot and heavy now, there’s no way I’ll make it to the store,” said Collin pushing Sam away from him. “Besides, there will be plenty of time for that when I get home.”

“I know. Hurry back so I can watch you rip all of these to shreds.” Sam kissed his boyfriend and opened the front door for him. “Good luck, may the Force be with you, and may the odds be ever in your favor.”

“You’re such a dork.” Collin tried to squeeze out the front door without ripping any of the clothes.

“Yes, but I’m your dork.” Sam smacked Collin’s butt and pushed him outside. “Have fun.” Sam shut the door behind him and walked into the kitchen.

8 parts 22k words Added Feb 2021 Updated 7 Aug 2021 28k views (#427) 5.0 stars (23 votes)

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